amateur offerings weekend

With scripts to write, the anticipation of Top 5 Contest Winners to be announced, and weekend errands to run, how in the world are you going to have time to read and vote on scripts? I have no idea. But give it your best shot!

Title: Sprawl
Genre: Drama
Logline: A homeless teen reconnects with his estranged college-bound friend who happens to be the son of the man he blames for his family’s eviction.
Why you should read: It started with the idea of following a pair of teens as they break into abandoned homes seized during the housing crisis of the mid-2000s and blossomed into this tale of revenge and class warfare at its most basic level. Sprawl builds tension in Jimmy’s silent plotting while marinating in an undertone of separation that often weaves its way into our lives – in this case, leaving the nest for college or having your life changed by some unforeseen circumstance. This is a story that has plagued me for a couple years now – I would love to get the community’s views on the script before I put it out in the world or bash my brains out any further over it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Kindergarten Detective
Genre: Comedy
Logline: Rocky Stone, a 5 year old detective, investigates the biggest case of his life when a valuable item goes missing in his kindergarten class.
Why you should read: I am one of the writers of Yesterday which made the top-25 of the SS#250. However, I entered two scripts, and this is the other one that didn’t advance. Since submitting, I have done a rewrite and feel Kindergarten Detective is in a better place. I would like to see what the SS community thinks and get some feedback to hopefully get it to the next level.

I grew up loving films like LA Confidential, which was actually the first professional script I ever read when I started learning this screenwriting thing. Kindergarten Detective is my comedy homage to the Noir genre as I recreate the story beats and tropes with kids inside a Kindergarten class.

Title: The Tesla Initiative
Genre: Sci-Fi
Logline: A mild-mannered police officer daydreams of becoming a hero, but when he finds himself mysteriously transported to crimes moments before they occur, the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur.
Why you should read: This script was mostly written covertly at the desk of my ridiculously boring 9 to 5 job. Without a sometimes dangerously lackadaisical approach to my workload and the life-saving properties of ‘ALT & TAB’, it would never have been completed.

The Tesla Initiative is a high concept Sci-Fi idea, but one which is grounded in reality, containing elements of action, comedy and just a little romance – hopefully something that appeals to a wide audience. It also incorporates current hot-button social issues (privacy, surveillance) alongside the fantastical (teleportation!). It even has one of those Second Act twists that people seem to be so darn keen on.

Writing this provided me with a much needed escape from my otherwise mundane daily existence. I hope it’s at least half as enjoyable to read as it was to write.

I’d greatly appreciate any and all feedback from the Scriptshadow faithful.

Title: Somnium
Genre: Sci-Fi Thriller
Logline: A loyal astronaut, scheduled to be on the first mission to Mars, begins having terrifying dreams of the mission going wrong. Then, when the mission is sabotaged, he finds himself the prime suspect.
Why you should read: I’ve been writing for three years now, my script Jack Curious is in the Scriptshadow top 25 at the moment. This script is the script I wrote to teach myself the craft, and while it made the quarterfinals of the Big Break Contest and connected me with some cool people, it’s been sitting on the shelf for the last two years. I’d love the opportunity, with the help of the SS community, to pull it apart and work out how to make it better. I also have most of the budget together to make my narrative feature directing debut (I’ve only done docos so far), and I’m wondering if this could be the script to do it with.


Title: Sundae, Bloody Sundae FIXED!
Genre: Horror/Comedy
Logline: When an ice cream social results in a deadly outbreak spreading throughout a nursing home, one elderly resident must overcome his own post-war trauma to battle the undead and prove himself to the woman he loves.
Why you should read: Hello. My name is Walter Melon (no jokes, please. Believe me, I’ve heard every fucking one of them). I’m 76 years young and an aspiring screenwriter. At this point in my life I’ve had plenty of experiences to draw from – fought in Vietnam, married three times (and divorced three times, thank Christ, though that first one was a hellion in the sack if I’m being honest). I was a tugboat captain on the mighty Mississippi, did a little production work on some adult films in the mid 60’s and even tried my hand at circus life. And let me tell you, those goddamned sideshow freaks think they’re the cat’s pajamas, treating us normal folks like we’re the wierdos! Lobster Boy my asshole. That motherfucker was a…sorry. I can get pretty worked up as you can see. Old wounds never heal. They fester, let me tell you. But I tend to ramble as I get on in years. Like I was saying, this is my second screenplay (my first was a World War 2 yarn, but I didn’t really know what I was doing at the time and it turned out to be a real piece of shit, so I don’t really count that one.) This story here is based on a true experience, one that involved myself and my best friend Albert Miller – the man who saved Picket Farms Nursing Home. Well, fact of the matter is, he didn’t really save but a handful of us – most of the residents were killed. But he saved my hide – more than once. And I thought his story needed to be told. He may be a deaf old bastard, but he’s one tough sonofabitch and I’d walk through fire for that man. I’d love to hear what the younger generation thinks about my latest effort. Thanks to anyone for taking the time.

Sincerely, Walter Melon

PS – Did I mention this was a true story? Hell, at least I think it is. I can’t remember shit anymore.