
Genre: Sci-Fi/Drama/Thriller Premise: (from Black List ) In the year 2065, a fiery teenager with a wild imagination, her paraplegic mom, and their clueless robot struggle to navigate the post-apocalypse; but when the mother’s wheelchair breaks, the trio must venture out into the dangerous “outside” for a chance to survive. About: Today’s script finished with […]
Today we talk about the scariest word in the world: EXPOSITION Day 1: Writing a Teaser Day 2: Introducing Your Hero Day 3: Setting up Your Hero’s Life Day 8: Keeping Your Scenes Entertaining Day 9: The Inciting Incident Day 10: Refusal of the Call I don’t talk about exposition nearly as much as I […]
Last year I checked out the Euphoria pilot and lasted about twenty minutes. Admittedly, I watched it at a time where I was exhausted by anything that was even remotely political. And while Euphoria isn’t a political show, it touched on some hot-button topics that were politically-adjacent enough to turn me off. So I bailed. […]
One of the more misunderstood sections of the script – the Refusal of the Call! Day 1: Writing a TeaserDay 2: Introducing Your HeroDay 3: Setting up Your Hero’s LifeDay 8: Keeping Your Scenes EntertainingDay 9: The Inciting Incident So yesterday we dealt with the inciting incident, which typically takes place between pages 12-15. If […]
The most exciting scene to write in a script? The inciting incident! Day 1: Writing a TeaserDay 2: Introducing Your HeroDay 3: Setting up Your Hero’s LifeDay 8: Keeping Your Scenes Entertaining Okay, let’s summarize where we are. So far, this is our page count… Pages 1-5 — Teaser.Pages 6-8 — Introduce your main character.Page […]