
Genre: Biopic Premise: Harvard. 1959. A young Ted Kaczynski is experimented on by Dr. Henry Murray during a secret CIA psychological study that may have led to the creation of the Unabomber. About: This script finished on last year’s Black List with 10 votes. Both of these writers have done a little TV work as […]
The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Rogue Squadron, the Patty Jenkins Star Wars film that nobody other than Kathleen Kennedy asked for, has now been “delayed.” However, if you read further into the article, you learn that the delay is that so Patty Jenkins can “fulfill other obligations” on her other films (Cleopatra and Wonder […]
Did Eternals Just Flatline the MCU? Also, a Secret Awesome Movie That Everybody Needs To See! I want to start off by saying, good for Kevin Feige for taking chances. A lot of people give Marvel shit because they “play it safe.” I don’t think that’s true. I thought Thor Ragnarok was weird and different. […]
These horror submissions were shut out of Horror Showdown. Why?? Also, stay til the end because I announce the next SHOWDOWN! I always say that running a contest is one of the worst things a person can do. You make one friend and 999 enemies. And I get it. You see the entries that made […]
Holy Guacamole. I’ve actually found a good Black List script! Genre: Thriller Premise: An obsessed fan maneuvers his way into the inner circle of his hip hop idol and will stop at nothing to stay in. About: This script finished pretty high on last year’s Black List, with 11 votes. The writer is young and […]