The next project from the 10 Cloverfield Lane writers! Genre: Sci-Fi (Short Story) Premise: Set in the future, a former serial killer is “rightminded,” the process of digitally altering the brain to take away its psychopathic tendencies. About: This short story from 2014 sold earlier this year for the 10 Cloverfield Lane writing team, Josh […]
Today, I do something that I’ve never done before in all my history of reading scripts. And it’s because this might be one of the best action scripts ever written. Genre: Action Premise: After a bank robbery gone wrong, two brothers attempt to use a stolen ambulance as a getaway car. About: This project came […]
Genre: Comedy? Premise: (from IMDB) When an all-powerful Superintelligence chooses to study average Carol Peters, the fate of the world hangs in the balance. As the A.I. decides to enslave, save or destroy humanity, it’s up to Carol to prove that people are worth saving. About: A lot of people will focus on the terrible […]
The Scriptshadow Thanksgiving Newsletter has been sent! Check your Inbox, Spam, and Promotions folders! Review of a 7 figure spec sale. Some incredible advice about how to upgrade from amateur to professional. Black Friday consult deals. Go read it now!!! Wait, what’s going on, Carson??? We just had an Amateur Showdown. Are you saying we’re […]
Genre: Comedy/Drama Premise: Two scientists must go on a press tour to answer questions about an impending asteroid collision that will destroy all life on earth. About: Big one today, guys. Some might even say it’s an extinction-level script. This is the big Adam McKay Netflix project that’s to star Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Jonah […]