
Genre: Horror/Sci-Fi Premise: Trapped on a remote North Dakota farm in the middle of a bone-chilling winter storm, a deaf 12-year old girl must try to survive her murderous foster parents, who’ve been influenced to kill by a mysterious radio signal from deep space. Why You Should Read: Deep came about from my desire to […] read more»
Jesse and Walter White had lots of great free-flowing conversations with each other. In my attempts to finish all the Last Great Screenplay Contest entries by my target date of October 31st, I’ve found myself reading a lot of bad dialogue lately. But not normal bad. Bad in a specific way. A lot of the […] read more»
Genre: Sports/Period/True Story Premise: (from Black List) A law school graduate devises a betting system that exploits the glamorous, high-stakes sport of Jai Alai in 1970s Miami. Based on a true story. About: (from his IMDB page) In 2008, Zachary Werner founded Bodega Pictures with Josh Ackerman and Ben Nurick. Together they produced over one […] read more»
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: The leaders of a planet journey to a new planet in a quest to gain control of a rare powerful substance called “spice.” About: Dune is one of the biggest gambles in movie history. A 250+ million dollar production based on a 50 year old novel catered heavily to adults. It is […] read more»
YAY! A GOOD MOVIE! FINALLY! Genre: Action/Supernatural Premise: A young man goes on an 85-mile journey in a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with monsters to reunite with his true love. About: This was shaping up to be a big Paramount release until Covid hit. The script comes from Brian Duffield, who’s having a moment. He’s got […] read more»