Genre: Drama Premise: Two struggling lobster fishermen try to hold the crew of a giant container boat for ransom, but when the plan falls apart, one leaves the other to fend for himself. About: This script finished with 11 votes on last year’s Black List. The writer, Josh Woolf, is brand new and does not […]
This is the elusive STALLONE scripted version of Beverly Hills Cop, that only recently surfaced. Genre: Action (not Comedy) Premise: When an esteemed Beverly Hills art dealer kills his brother, a Detroit cop heads to the prized zip code to enact some vigilante justice. About: Like just about every project in the 80s, multiple actors […]
Have you ever heard of “The Hype Man” screenwriting tip? Of course not. It’s ONLY in this month’s Scriptshadow newsletter, a newsletter that does a deep dive into the difference between good screenwriting and bad screenwriting. This newsletter includes the latest movie from one of the most innovative directors ever, a new movie from one […]
Genre: 30 min. Comedy/Period Winning Logline: A troupe of struggling actors fight for relevancy for their small, dingy theatre located directly across the cobblestone street from Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre at the height of its fame. About: Dan Martin beat out seven other contenders on Pilot Showdown Day with his clever logline. It is the first […]
This contest is bigger than a Star Destroyer! For those of you just joining in on the fun, every Thursday of 2024, I’ve been guiding Scriptshadow readers through the process of writing a screenplay. We wrote the first draft over the course of four months. This week, we just finished our second draft. And now […]