
Genre: Comic Book Premise: Harley Quinn tries to figure life out after the Joker dumps her and gets caught up in a diamond theft that ignites Gotham’s newest baddie, Black Mask, to try and kill her. About: Harley Quinn was projected to make 45-55 million dollars this weekend. That was down from the projections Warner […]
You know how when everyone tells you you have to watch something and it gets to the point where it’s so annoying how obsessed everyone is with that something that you’re determined to never watch it as some sort of spiteful point to be made that you’re not as weak-minded as all these sheep who […]
Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: The wife of a megachurch pastor seeks atonement after she and her lover kill an attacker in self-defense, but don’t report it out of fear of exposing their affair. About: This script finished number 12 on last year’s Black List. Andrew Zilch has been working in Hollywood since the early 2000s, where […]
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: After a mission to destroy a black hole that endangers mankind goes wrong, an astronaut awakens in her escape pod to find that decades have passed seemingly in a moment. Now, with an old body and fragile mind, she battles against the elements of space & time to complete her mission. About: […]
Clarice Starling is back! And can someone tell me what the heck Conflict Coffee is?? Genre: 1 Hour Drama Premise: The continuing exploits of FBI behavioral specialist Clarice Starling one year after the famous case that made her a celebrity. About: The first attempt at creating a Clarice TV series happened back in 2012, around […]