Genre: Drama Premise: A young circus hand befriends the newest addition to the show, a seductive mermaid with a murderous past. About: This is the runner up script from The A-List, which is not an actual list but a screenwriting contest set up specifically for entertainment assistants. The scripts are judged by the assistants and, […]
Genre: Thriller Premise: When a struggling fashion model in New York City gets chosen by a mysterious Parisian designer to be the face of his first campaign since his disappearance five years prior, she begins to realize she was chosen for a reason and must decide how much she’s willing to sacrifice for beauty and […]
Genre: TV Drama/Thriller (first episode) Premise: When his grandmother is killed in her home, a young man is visited by a mysterious older fellow who explains that Nazis have infiltrated America and they need to be hunted down and killed. About: This is one of Amazon’s big-swing TV shows they’re hoping becomes the next water […]
I believe it’s time for another installment of, “Wait, that’s a pro script and mine’s not??” One of the most frustrating things that an aspiring screenwriter faces is identifying the line where amateur ends and pro begins. I’m not talking about official titles here. Everyone knows a pro script is one where a writer gets […]
Genre: Contained Thriller/Apocalypse Premise: In the near future when air-supply is scarce, a mother and daughter fight for survival when two strangers arrive desperate for an oxygenized safe haven. About: This script finished on last year’s Black List, just below the top 20. Doug Simon co-created the 2010 TV show “Brotherhood” and co-wrote the 2015 […]