
Genre: Drama/Comedy Premise: The young president of a boutique publishing house must convince a crotchety old reclusive author to come out and do a promotional tour for his first book in 30 years. About: This project was recently put together, pairing Michael Caine with Aubrey Plaza. The script was originally one of the winners in […]
Welcome to The Mandalorian Teleplay Chronicles. I will be reviewing every episode of The Mandalorian’s first season with an eye towards helping writers learn TV writing. Whether the show is a breakout hit or a Jar Jar Binks level bust, we’re going to be focusing on how to become better TV writers. It should be […]
I wanted to congratulate the Amateur Showdown winner this weekend but when I went to check the vote, I saw that it was the closest Amateur Showdown we’ve had all year! Four scripts are all within a stone’s throw of each other. I’m going to extend the voting out one more day. Head over there, […]
Okay, so here’s the deal. Pay attention! We’re going to do TWO MORE Amateur Showdowns after this one and that will wrap up 2019. The first of these will be an ACTION GENRE SHOWDOWN. That will take place on Friday, November 22. In order to be a part of that , you must have your […]
There have been a lot of people championing the arrival of live-action Star Wars in the TV format, including myself (The Mandalorian arrives next Tuesday!). A large contingent of Star Wars fans are frustrated with where the films have gone and their hope is that TV will infuse Star Wars with fresh energy. In particular, […]