
Genre: Horror/Thriller Premise: Three adult siblings pay respects to their deceased fisherman father by visiting the remote river he died on, only to find themselves stalked by a masked killer. About: This script was purchased for the writer, Joshua Giuliano, to also direct. Giuliano knew that to rise above the sea of writers trying to […]
Genre: Time Loop Premise: A retired U.S. Army Special Forces veteran finds himself stuck inside the same day where a group of assassins hunt him down and kill him. About: This script was originally written by Chris and Eddie Borey, who have a knack for high-concept ideas. Their last film, Open Grave, was about a […]
One of the biggest movies in recent years where nobody had any idea what would happen. A power that only Netflix can bring to the table. So how was it???” Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: Jesse Pinkman, the deceased Walter White’s partner-in-crime, must escape New Mexico despite having the entire Albuquerque police force after him. About: This […]
The annual Halloween Scriptshadow Amateur Showdown is getting close. It was supposed to be this weekend but I looked through all the horror entries and was unimpressed. I take partial credit for that since I didn’t advertise Halloween Amateur Showdown at all. Which is why I’m doing it now! If you have a great horror […]
By far, one of the biggest mistakes I see amateur writers making is that they’re NOT WRITING MOVIES. They’re writing the screenplay versions of novels. That is to say, the story only works in written form. It isn’t meant to be put up on the screen because there’s nothing cinematic about it. How do you […]