Genre: Comedy/Noir Premise: (from Hit List) Following the disappearance of the book fair money he was entrusted to protect, a lactose intolerant middle school student with an addiction to dairy items must hone his detective skills to investigate the “seedy” under- belly of his school. Think MALTESE FALCON by way of DIARY OF A WIMPY […]
Genre: (will tell you in review) Premise: (being intentionally vague) A former cellist prodigy visits China to visit and support her old teacher. About: All the writers here have made their names in television. Writer-Director Richard Shepard worked with star Allison Williams on Girls, directing 12 episodes on that show. Nicole Snyder and Eric Charmelo […]
My friends, it’s going to be a loooooong weekend. That’s right. It’s Memorial Day this Monday. Which means no Scriptshadow until TUESDAY!! How are you going to survive? No idea. But Tuesday I will be reviewing the Netflix movie, “The Perfection.” I heard it was totally bonkers and that you need to go into it […]
JJ sold his first screenplay at 23. If he’d read this article, he would’ve done it at 22. So you want to write a screenplay? First, you gotta find a great concept. Something that’s got some pop to it. Imagine pitching your idea to someone you’ve never met. Would the idea excite them? Be honest […]
Genre: Crime Premise: When a dirty Los Angeles cop’s partner is killed by a Korean gangster, he follows the gangster to Seoul to get revenge, teaming up with a Korean bodyguard-for-hire who has his own reasons to kill the target. About: In what would have been a game-changing experiment, this 2007 project was set to […]