
Genre: Thriller Premise: A highly publicized AMA session with an aging musician goes off the rails when a hacker starts revealing dark secrets from his past. About: This script finished in the top 10 of last year’s Hit List. The writer, John Wikstrom, is a Florida State grad who has a couple of short films […]
Genre: TV – Zombie Premise: A few weeks after a fierce zombie breakout, groups of people in a [previously] perfect suburban town come together to try and survive. About: I’ve heard this is connected to the Z Nation zombie series? I don’t know anything about that show so I don’t know how closely the two […]
It is the calm before the storm. I’m talking about how there’s only one week before the release of The Karate Kid, Season 2! I hope you’re ready for a crane kick to the face!! KA-CHAAAH!!! Oh, and there’s that little Marvel movie coming out as well. Here’s something I’ve always wondered. Do the actors […]
I was going to write an article today about why Luke Skywalker is legendary and Rey is forgettable. But I was afraid if I posted another Star Wars article, I would need to place archers on top of my building. The reason I wanted to write the article was because it’s easier to understand why […]
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi/Found Footage Premise: A group of storm chasers hoping to catch an elusive F5 tornado on camera catch something way more dangerous. About: This script was written all the way back in 2010. It comes from screenwriters Chris Rossi and Gabriel Scott. Rossi penned a maudlin drama a few years ago called Meadowland that […]