
Genre: Biopic/True Story Premise: Based on a true story, a failed New York model transitions into the lucrative world of weed-dealing. About: Today’s script comes from Elyse Hollander, who you may remember as the writer of 2016’s #1 Black List script, Blonde Ambition, about Madonna’s early days in New York. I refused to read that […]
Genre: TV/One-hour Drama Premise: A low-level MI5 operative is tasked with looking into a murder orchestrated by a female assassin. About: Today’s show has an unexpected Star Wars connection. It was created by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who many people know as the voice of the doomed L3-37, Lando’s favorite droid, in the movie, “Solo.” Killing Eve […]
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Whoa whoa whoawhoawhoa whoa Whoa whoa whoa whoawhoa whoa whoa What did I just watch? I’m trying to process this. Lots of internal whoa-ness happing. Happing? Happening? What’s the difference at this point? Why is JJ shooting this in 3.75 to 1 aspect ratio? Did […]
We are reaching an epidemic in bad set-piece writing. For those of you who don’t know what set pieces are, they’re the big featured action scenes in a script, your Indiana Jones runs through a cave, your airport battle in Captain America: Civil War, that scene in every Mission Impossible movie where Tom Cruise races […]
Genre: Horror/Comedy Premise: (from Hit List) A couple leaves city life behind them for a simpler life in a tiny house. But this idyllic paradise is not all it seems when paranormal activity starts to occur. About: This script made last year’s Hit List with 8 votes. It was co-written by Paul Soter, a member […]