
Genre: Horror Logline: Trapped by a blizzard in a remote truck stop as it burns to the ground, a recovering addict and her young daughter must fight for survival against an alien horror Why You Should Read: I hope everyone has room for holiday leftovers as this is my version of a Christmas story. There […]
It’s back. Live breakdowns of First 10 Pages submissions! For those of you unfamiliar with the First 10 Pages Challenge, you can go back to the original post here. You can also check out my breakdown of five entries from last week. The short of it is you’re trying to write 10 pages that are […]
Genre: Biopic Premise: The story of how oddball internet reporter Matt Drudge broke the Lewinsky Scandal and nearly took down a presidency, all from a desktop computer in his one-bedroom apartment in Hollywood. About: Today’s script is the 4th most liked script of 2018. Cody Brotter is a Boston University graduate who’s written for TV, […]
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: In the far-off future, where the galaxy is protected by an equation that watches over them, an evil force arrives, putting the equation, and all who believe in it, in doubt. About: The Hugo award-winning Foundation series was said to be one of the influences for George Lucas’s Star Wars, and you […]
Hang tight, everyone. Today’s script review is coming soon. In the meantime, feel free to make over-the-top opinionated statements about the Oscars since that’s what we do. I still haven’t seen all the best picture nominees myself. The problem with these movies is all of them fall under the “I guess I have to see […]