
Genre: Horror? Premise: Three Korean girls who have been adopted by American suburban families have their friendship tested when they conjure up a spell that releases their “mother.” About: Today’s short story sold at the end of last year after being involved in a bidding war. Five offers came in, with Fox 2000 and 21 […]
Genre: Horror Premise: Trapped in a strange house, a young woman with a phobia of dogs must escape the jaws of a bloodsucking hound and its master. Why You Should Read:I find phobias fascinating. The crippling impact they can have on a person’s life. I wanted to take that fear to an extreme level. There […]
Start fast and never slow down! A month ago, I was in the middle of reading a script and I was bored out of my mind. Whenever I’m bored, I instinctually check what page I’m on. So I looked up at the top of the screen and noted that I was on page: Four. That’s […]
Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: (from Black List) Still hurting years later from the suicide of her mistreated best friend, a woman is torn between seeking vengeance on the lost friend’s behalf and moving on with her life. About: Emerald Fennell hardly came out of nowhere. The English actress/writer graduated from Oxford, is the daughter of famous […]
Genre: Superhero/Procedural Premise: (from Hit List) A grief-stricken mother sets out to murder the world’s only superhero when he accidentally kills her daughter while battling his nemesis. About: Today’s script finished NUMBER 1 on the 2018 Hit List. As a reminder, the Hit List is a list of the year’s best SPEC scripts, not to […]