
Genre: Sci-Fi/Interactive Premise: In 1984, a young programmer, determined to create the best video game ever, begins unravelling during the programming process when he suspects that an unseen force is dictating his actions. About: How cool it is to be Charlie Booker? You’ve created a show that allows you to tell ten new science-fiction movies […]
It’s a new year. A new 365 days of possibility (well, 361 now). And what better way to break through than being endorsed by your own peers!? It’s the first Amateur Offerings of 2019, a bi-monthly tournament whereby five screenwriters square off against each other in a good old fashioned writing brawl. You, the readers, […]
Genre: Biopic Premise: (from Black List) The true story of Richard Williams, the hard-nosed and uncompromising father of tennis prodigies turned superstars, Venus and Serena Williams. About: This script finished number 2 on the 2018 Black List with 36 votes. The writer, Zach Baylin, is no stranger to the Black List. Last year he made […]
Save the Cat. The phrase sounds so innocuous and yet it’s become the most popular screenwriting tip in history. More popular than even GSU! For those who don’t know, “saving the cat,” is a term the late Blake Snyder coined that refers to a moment early in the screenplay when your hero does something nice, […]
Pop Tarts Cereal will be my go-to writing food in 2019. What will yours be? Welcome to 2019! It snuck up on us, didn’t it? I had this whole list of things I wanted to get done before the end of the year. Didn’t get to cross anything out. Not to worry, though. This is […]