
Genre: Action/Horror Premise: A Miami cop joins a secret Black Ops team who are fighting a gang war against a mysterious, possibly even supernatural, opponent. About: Blood Rush comes from Scriptshadow vet, Andrew Ferguson! The script made last year’s Black List. Writer: Andrew Ferguson Details: 113 pages You know how yesterday I bitched about writers […]
Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: Two members of an Upper Peninsula drug enforcement team have their quiet days rocked when a mysterious man who doesn’t speak English races across the border on a snowmobile filled with money and drugs. About: This script finished on the Black List last year. Ben Bolea has made a short movie as […]
Genre: Drama Premise: Two aging tennis players who were once best friends play one final match under the watchful eye of the woman they both love. About: The day has finally come. A tennis movie finished number 1 at the box office. Challengers beat the odds and topped the weekend with 15 million dollars. The […]
It’s finally here! Movie Tagline Showdown It ain’t just loglines anymore! If you’ve never participated in a Logline Showdown, this is how they work.  You read the five entries down below, decide which one you like best, then vote for it in the comments section.  We love to hear why you liked (or disliked) an […]
There will be no Thursday article but MAKE SURE TO SUBMIT FOR LOGLINE SHOWDOWN! Entries are due Thursday by 10pm Pacific Time! I’ll post the five winning contestants at 12:01am Friday. Genre: ThrillerPremise: A high-end courier has three hours to transport a liver from LAX to a Santa Barbara hospital to a dying seven-year-old girl […]