Genre: Action/Thriller Premise: As an ex-soldier interviews for a cushy corporate gig, the unstable Security Chief she’s there to replace seizes control of the high-tech industrial complex. Why You Should Read: Hollywood’s overstuffed with Jane Wick specs, it’s time for Jane McClane to get her shot. In his recent article, “How to Jump Start the […]
Yesterday’s script review reminded me how rare it is that a script actually recovers from a bad second act. I know this because when I first started giving notes, I came up with an idea I thought would revolutionize the notes process. It was my belief that the reason so few writers improved their screenwriting […]
Genre: Horror Premise: During their annual trip to an isolated cabin for Christmas, a family begins to suspect a supernatural force may be haunting them. About: This script finished high on this year’s Blood List and comes from the writing-directing duo best known for giving us that creepy image of a mom with her face […]
Genre: Western Premise: At the turn of the 20th century, a convict who’s slowly dying from a bullet in his heart escapes prison to find and be with his family again. About: Westerns are picking up steam as long as they’re not too expensive. Something to keep in mind if you love the genre but […]
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: A janitor on an off-world secret prison is tasked with helping the prison’s biggest criminal escape or his family dies. About: Today’s writer is one of the few out there who can say he’s sold a spec for 7 figures. Sascha Penn is known as a writer with lots of fun sci-fi […]