Okay Sci-Fi heads. You got a wild one today. Midnight Special meets Children of Men. Who’s in??? Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: A 16 year-old boy with special powers accidentally kills his father, forcing he and his mother to go on the run to escape authorities. About: This script finished fairly high on the 2015 Black List. […]
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: In the year 2491, a Citizen Kane-like business mogul attempts to do something that hasn’t been successfully achieved in 80 years – murder a man without getting caught. About: Before Oliver Stone became a visionary director, he was one of the most coveted writers in Hollywood. This was one of his early […]
Get those Horror Amateur Scripts in! This Friday is Amateur Offerings: Horror Edition! E-mail carsonreeves3@gmail.com with a title, logline, genre, and why we should read your horror script – and don’t forget to include a PDF of your screenplay! Genre: Fairy Tale Premise: When a prince sets off on a journey with his princess-to-be to […]
Hollywood’s favorite game is the post-weekend box office analysis. OF COURSE they knew that Movie A was going to be huge. OF COURSE they knew that Movie B was going to bomb. Not only that, but they’ve got a whole host of reasons for why a movie succeeded or failed. Rarely do you have people […]
Genre: Period/True Story Premise: A widowed painter travels to live with the dangerous Sioux nation in order to paint a picture of one of the most notorious and violent Indian chiefs in history, Sitting Bull. About: The amount of time it takes to get a script into production never ceases to amaze me. Yet when […]