
Genre: Thriller/Drama Premise: (from Black List) After negligently killing a hunter with their patrol car, an alcoholic Sheriff’s Deputy and her superior officer must decide what to do with the only witness to their crime – a death row inmate only days from execution. About: Today’s script double-dipped into Script Paradise finishing on the 2015 […]
This might be the craziest sci-fi script I’ve ever read. Genre: Sci-fi Premise: In a future where oceans have risen and mind-controlling aliens have taken over, a psychiatrist fights to save his family, a task that gets progressively harder when he realizes that nothing is as it seems. About: This is a rarity these days. […]
“I’m sorry. My box office percentage drop was how much??” We live in a Narrative Society. We need NARRATIVES to help us understand the world. If something doesn’t fit into a narrative, it’s so confusing to us that we discard it – throw it in the trash bin so we don’t have to consider what […]
All I do with every free minute I have is watch McGregor-Mayweather press conferences, then the post press-conferences of those press conferences. And then the reactions of people to those press conferences. I’m telling you right now – somebody’s going to make a movie about this some day. It might as well be you. Here’s […]
Are you ready… for Die Hard with a 9 year old girl? Genre: Horror/Thriller Premise: After witnessing the murder of her daddy, nine-year-old Becky and her dog set out to teach the scumbags responsible that Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off little girl with nothing to lose. Why You Should Read: It’s my belief […]