Genre: Superhero Premise: An Amazonian goddess living on a remote island has her world turned upside-down when a World War 1 Allied spy shows up on her island, with the German army in tow. About: The Wonder Woman project has had quite an exciting history. First it was asked if audiences would pay for a […]
I saw myself some Wonder Woman yesterday. The theater was packed. The truth lassoes were out. Pineheads were oiling themselves up in Chris Pine oil. I may or may not have joined them. But you’ll have to wait until Monday to find out. Right now, it’s time for some Amateur Offerings, with a TWIST! I’m […]
Genre: Thriller Premise: In the midst of a deadly bushfire season, a petty criminal with a fascination for fire becomes entangled in a game of cat and mouse with a desperate arson squad detective while attempting to save his one, true friend. Why You Should Read: The Black Saturday bushfires occurred in my home state […]
This has been a strange year at the box office. Did you know that the number 1 comedy of the year so far is the geriatric knee-slapper, Going in Style? Which has made 43 million dollars? Surefire hits like Pirates of the Caribbean have imploded. Dusty superheroes like Wolverine have come back to life. And […]
Genre: Horror Premise: A young husband feels that his marriage is slipping away. But he has no idea how bad it’s about to get. About: Today’s script comes from one of my favorite screenwriters, Brian Duffield. I’ve reviewed all of Duffield’s scripts except for two, today’s script being one of those final two. My favorite […]