Genre: Drama Premise: The true story of the kidnapping of the richest man in the world’s grandson, and the subsequent refusal by John Paul Getty to pay the ransom. About: If you got the feeling after Alien Covenant that Ridley Scott wasn’t interested in making an Alien movie, today’s project may be the reason why, […]
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: A colonist ship follows a distress call to a nearby planet where a mysterious entity awaits them. About: Alien Covenant is the… 6th film in the franchise? 7th? Ahh, who’s counting anymore. The film opened this weekend at #1 at the box office with 36 million alien bucks. It was scripted by […]
Anybody who lives on the West Coast, and especially people who live here in Southern California, know, that if you’re ever feeling down, if you’re ever feeling blue, there’s one place you can go that will always lift your spirits. I’m talking about In and Out. In and Out is a privately owned fast food […]
Edit: This draft going around is not the Scott Brick draft, but rather a chopped-up version of another writer’s draft of Rama (one of the risks of reviewing older scripts). Now we need to find the official Brick draft, as Coming Attractions says it is great. Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: When a giant mysterious cylindrical ship […]
Genre: TV Pilot – 1 hour drama Premise: A Russian fund manager educated in the UK must deal with the fallout of his fund when rumors begin to swirl that he operates in dirty Russian money. About: AMC’s doing this new thing where they partner with BBC One to deliver a show that plays in […]