
Genre: Dark Drama Premise: When a young girl named Allison Adams goes missing, four other women named Allison Adams find themselves at first peripherally, and then directly, pulled into the mysterious disappearance. About: Allison Adams made this past year’s Black List, was written by actor Devon Graye, and is really fucked up. Now, you may […]
A surprisingly kick-ass movie about friendship that was almost as fun to watch as the original! Genre: Drama Premise: 20 years after Renton abandoned his heroin-junky friends for a drug-free existence, he comes back into town to try and make things right again. About: The original Trainspotting launched the careers of director Danny Boyle and […]
We’re back like a Shamrock milkshake, baby. For how long, I don’t know. So enjoy it while you can taste it! To submit your script for Amateur Offerings, send a PDF of your script, along with the title, genre, logline, and finally, why your script deserves a shot, to: Remember that your script will […]
I was looking through the top 10 movies of the year so far and realized that almost all of them had great screenwriting lessons embedded in them. So don’t write your next script until you go through these breakdowns! 1) THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE ($160 million so far) – Animated films from major studios always […]
Genre: Drama Premise: (from Black List) When a hard nosed liberal lawyer who has been fighting the good fight while others take the credit assumes the role of his crusading firm’s front man, he discovers some unsettling things about what they’ve done, resulting in an existential crisis that leads to extreme action. About: Dan Gilroy […]