Genre: Drama/Conspiracy/Thriller Premise: (from Black List) With America’s first viable independent presidential candidate poised for victory, an idealistic young journalist uncovers a conspiracy, which places the fate of the election, and the country, in his hands. About: The Independent made the semifinals of the Nicholl Competition in 2013 before later finishing high on the 2013 […]
Genre: Superhero Premise: After an arrogant neurosurgeon’s hands are bludgeoned in a car accident, he seeks help from a mystical woman in the mountains of Nepal, but gets far more than he bargained for. About: Doctor Strange was part of Marvel’s “Phase 3” program, which was both a strategy and an ideology. “3” stood for […]
EDIT – WINNERS ANNOUNCED! So 4 of the top 5 entries consisted of 4 of the top 5 contributors within the group. That gave me some pause. Is everybody here getting a fair shot? With that said, I realize that there’s a couple of things at play here. For one, people are more likely to […]
For those who don’t know, I’m from Chicago. And in Chicago is a certain long-suffering baseball team known as the Cubs who had not won a championship in 108 years. Until last night. When the most dramatic World Series win in history took place. So as I pondered what to write about in today’s article, […]
Hey guys. On this glorious day, a day when the Cubs curse has been lifted, I’ve just sent you a spanking new Scriptshadow Newsletter. I review a really good spec script that’s a great screenwriting lesson in how to write genre material at a low price (and get a major studio to turn it into […]