
Genre: Drama Premise: Steve Bartman, the infamous Cubs fan who changed the fortunes of the Chicago Cubs forever, tries to pick up the pieces of his life after inadvertently thwarting a championship. About: This script finished top 10 on last year’s Black List! Writer: John Whittingong Details: 104 pages Let me take you back in […]
Genre: Biopic/War Premise: The story of one of Hitler’s top 5 most hated men, Jasper Maskelyne, a magician who used his unique talents to thwart the Nazis in World War 2. About: The War Magician has been in development for almost a decade. The best chance it had of getting to the big screen was […]
THE WINNER OF WEEK 6 HAS BEEN LISTED BELOW The Scriptshadow Tournament pits 40 amateur screenplays against each other that you, the readers of the site, will vote on. Ultimately, YOU will decide the winner. Today we have the sixth group of entries. You can see who won Week One here, who won Week Two […]
1) You’re not writing enough – There are two reasons writers don’t write. One, we don’t have enough time. Two, we construct a false reality to make us believe we don’t have enough time. In my experience, the majority of writers fall into the second category. You need to be writing – AT MINIMUM – […]
Welcome, my friends, to the best movie of the year! Genre: Drama Premise: When a suicidal man on a deserted island finds a corpse, he realizes he can manipulate it like a swiss army knife, allowing him to save himself as well as the corpse. About: Writer-directors Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert have become rockstars […]