Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: An Air Force pilot who’s been forced into retirement hijacks an F-15 for a joyride that may be his last. About: We’re going back to the past today. This script sold in the 80s and some thought it to be on the fast track to a green light. It went so far […]
THE WINNER OF WEEK 5 HAS BEEN LISTED BELOW The Scriptshadow Tournament pits 40 amateur screenplays against each other that you, the readers of the site, will vote on. Ultimately, YOU will decide the winner. Today we have the fifth group of entries. You can see who won Week One here, who won Week Two […]
Unoriginality begets unoriginality. This weekend I was discussing a horror script with an aspiring screenwriter. He was working on the “teaser” (his opening scene) which consisted of a girl running through the forest as a shadowy figure chased her. As you know, this is a common scene in movies, and he was trying to come […]
Genre: Sci-fi/Western Premise: In the future, people pay lots of money to visit a “theme park” that looks and acts like a real Old West town. About: HBO is getting nervous. The cable channel that used to be satisfied solely with awards, got a taste of the high life when their behemoth, Game of Thrones, […]
Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: Based on the famous monologue from one of the most popular movie characters of all time, The Fisherman tells us what really happened to the “Jaws” character, Quint, that terrible week in the ocean at the end of World War 2. About: People have been obsessed with the story of the USS […]