Genre: Psychological Horror/Thriller Premise (from writer): When ancient relics wash ashore in the south pacific, a team of scientists set sail to investigate. The closer they draw to their origin, the further they flail from reality. (A Modern day take on The Call of Cthulhu. The Shining on a boat). About: Craig Mack first hit […]
For the next three months, every Thursday, I will be guiding you through writing a feature-length (110 pages) screenplay. Why are we doing this? A few reasons. For new screenwriters, it’s a chance to learn how to write a screenplay. For experienced screenwriters, it’s an opportunity to learn a different approach to writing a screenplay. […]
Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: In 1974, a company attempts the first hostile takeover of another company in history. About: Today’s script is the first from Oliver Kramer (or at least the first he’s sent out). Kramer was a former executive for Colin Firth’s production company, and also has some former ties to Hollywood production companies. His […]
Genre: Comedy Premise: A young White House staffer helps president Ronald Reagan, experiencing early-onset Alzheimer’s while in office, function by convincing him he’s an actor in a movie playing the president. About: This script got a ton of press last week as Will Ferrell signed onto it only to, after a ton of backlash due […]
Genre: Drama Premise: In a high-rise building, set in a dystopian future, the lower poor residents begin to rise up against the higher rich residents. About: Wasn’t the writer of Carol complaining recently that it took 15 years to get Carol made? Well I got news for you, Carol Writer, producer Jeremy Thomas has been […]