Here they are folks, in no particular order, the top 25 scripts from my contest. Congrats to to the finalists. I’ll be announcing the Top 5 in a couple of weeks. If you didn’t make it, don’t fret. That next script could be the one. Keep fighting! Title: Albion Genre: Period Logline: The Dark Ages, […]
We’re almost there, my friends. And I have to say, this has been one crazy journey. At times frustrating, at other times maddening, but ultimately, it’s been incredibly rewarding. As I transition into the producing side of things, I expect these writers to be the collaborators who help me cross over. I’m sure you’re wondering […]
I will be announcing the TOP 25 scripts from my contest this Wednesday! And as we get closer to the big day where worlds will be moved, lives will be changed, I can offer some thoughts on the process, a process that has given me even more insight into the system than ever before. The […]
Today’s GUEST ARTICLE comes from stellar long-time contributor MulesandMud, who often offers the best advice on the board. Even I get jealous of his vast knowledge at times. Since some of you have been asking what the hell treatments are and how to write them, Mules has kindly offered to write a guest article about […]
No idea why I’m using this picture other than I love the Zootopia sloth. As I mentioned yesterday, I’m not posting anything this week due to Scriptshadow 250 Contest duties (FINALLY finishing all the scripts!). But I haven’t forgotten about you guys. Here’s the deal. Today is a day for you to share your loglines, […]