Genre: Dark Comedy Premise: A female urologist and a retired hooker form an unlikely friendship when they team up to take down a notorious sex trafficker in Miami. About: Cut and Run finished near the middle of the pack in last year’s Black List. Zoe McCarthy is new on the scene. This is the first […]
Genre: Sci-fi Premise: After an astronaut’s space capsule crash lands in the African desert, we discover that he’s carrying a secret that may change the world forever. About: Ares finished on last year’s Black List. Geneva Robertson-Dworet is a writer who has quickly risen up the ranks to become one of the bigger sci-fi writers […]
Guys, the submissions have to get better. I cycled through 75 submissions in a row at one point and not a single idea showed promise. Ideas either weren’t big enough, had no inherent stakes attached, or were unfocused to the point that I didn’t understand what the movie was about. If you’ve submitted to Amateur […]
A HUGE shout out to yesterday’s mini-contest scene winner. Deanb absolutely NAILED the “show two people fall in love without any dialogue” scene. Head back and sort the comments by “best” to read his killer interpretation of the challenge. Also, Nick Morris finished in second place with a strong emotionally charged scene of his own. […]
Today we’re going to explore one of the most important components in the craft of screenwriting – visual storytelling. If you can master this part of the craft, you’ll have seriously leveled up. That’s no joke. The best writers tend to be the ones who consistently convey things visually. Why is this? Because ACTIONS SPEAK […]