
So the hot topic in screenwriting at the moment is that The Force Awakens sucks because its main character (Rey) is a “Mary Sue.” I don’t know if Max Landis is the one who started this argument or he’s just the most prominent person to weigh in on it, but his involvement has brought more […]
I loved The Force Awakens. Review over. Bye. YODA SAYS: “SPOILERS THERE ARE, BELOW.” No, I’m kidding. To be honest, I expected to be critical of this latest installment of wars that happen in stars. The Hollywood moviemaking system can easily be described as the Hollywood capture-lightning-in-a-bottle system, as that’s essentially what you’re trying to […]
Deep Cover with Lawrence Fishbone and The Blume! Sorry no Amateur Offerings yesterday. The rest of the year is going to be hit or miss on posts. Gotta keep you guys on your toes. And, you know, Scriptshadow 250. Today’s movie suggestion actually has a dual purpose. You see, in tomorrow’s Force Awakens review, I’m […]
Absolutely LOVED Force Awakens!!! I fucking love you! Kylo Ren best film villain of the past decade. Rey was better than Luke Skywalker in Ep IV. BB-8 somehow made me forget 3PO and R2. Finn was huge disappointment. Like almost as badly conceived as Queen Amidala. That was the only major misstep. For those saying […]
Save me! Just don’t let Carson see you do it! For those of you who have been following my Twitter and searching my hashtag #ss250, you may have experienced my disappointment last night. Script after script failed to come anywhere close to impressing me. And while there were different reasons for different scripts, I have […]