He can stop bullets. Just not bad writing. I still remember going to see The Matrix Reloaded. My friends and I had bought tickets for a prime-time Friday showing, but Thursday night I couldn’t contain myself. I knew there were going to be midnight showings at the theater right down the street, so I went […]
One of the best screenwriters ever tries to recapture the magic from one of his earlier children’s movies. Does he succeed? Genre: Superhero/Children’s/Family Premise: An 11 year old boy meets a man who gives him the power to turn into a superhero. About: This was written by William Goldman, he who wrote “Butch Cassidy and […]
This is your chance to discuss the week’s amateur scripts, offered originally in the Scriptshadow newsletter. The primary goal for this discussion is to find out which script(s) is the best candidate for a future Amateur Friday review. The secondary goal is to keep things positive in the comments with constructive criticism. Below are the […]
So a few weeks back I was reading this amateur script and it came to my attention that I was bored. The source of my boredom was that pages upon pages were going by and not much was happening. This, I realized, could be construed as the definition of screen-reading boredom: NOTHING INTERESTING IS HAPPENING. […]
Can Ronnie Rocket out-nonsense the king of nonsense, Upstream Color?? Side note: Both scripts contain pigs! Genre: Surrealist Premise: (described by Lynch himself) About a three foot tall man with physical problems and…60 cycle alternating current electricity. About: Ronnie Rocket is a script that David Lynch has been trying to make forever. Typical of many […]