Genre: Drama (Book) Premise: Two brilliant college kids take their lifelong love of games and turn it into a successful video game company, only for life to test their company, and them, in ways that neither of them could possibly prepare for. About:Last year, if you asked anyone with a penchant for reading what book […]
Is Killers of the Flower Moon a tour de force worthy of the highest cinematic praise or is it a film that broke everyone working on it? Genre: Drama/Period/Historical Premise: A dimwitted soldier returns from the war to a different town than the one he left, one that has been reshaped by the fortunes of […]
Waaaaahoooooooo! Greetings, you potion-brewing witches. The hour for spilling blood is upon us! I’ve done the hard work of decapitating a hundred-plus potential loglines so that only the eight best remain in the crimson-soaked moonlight. Now don your spookiest Halloween attire and choose which four loglines are your tricks, and which cherished logline is your […]
Today, Thursday, is the last day to send in your logline for the Halloween Logline Showdown. If you have a great horror script, get that logline in! I’m determined to find a great horror screenplay before this Halloween month is over. What: Halloween Logline Showdown Send me: Logline for either your Horror or Thriller script […]
Has today’s writer conquered one of Hollywood’s screenwriting chupacabras? Written “the next Goonies?” Genre: Ghost/Adventure Premise: A Wisconsin high school girl teams up with her friends to look for a ghost ship she believes is connected to her mother’s disappearance. About: This script finished with 6 votes on last year’s Black List. So far the […]