
I read way too many boring scripts. And the thing is, the whole time I’m thinking, “Aww man, if they had just done this or done that, the script would be so much better.” I want to reach through the screen and correct their mistakes for them. But I can’t. And that’s what’s the most […]
Can an actor jump into the screenwriting world without a hitch? Past experience tells me no. But today’s actor may break the mold. Genre: CrimePremise: Two brothers go on a bank-robbing spree in rural Texas with a determined near-retired Texas Ranger on their tail.About: This script sold just a few weeks ago! The writer, Taylor […]
They attached, they waffled, they attached again, they waffled, and now, finally, Leo and Martin are back together again with The Wolf Of Wall Street. A day off for me but this review is pretty darn good, so I don’t feel so bad. I actually read the book “The Wolf Of Wall Street” a long […]
Today’s screenplay proves you can only hide for so long before something comes for you and makes you do something you don’t want to do… Genre: Contained HorrorPremise: A family lives in a nuclear fallout shelter, hiding from a deadly race of mutated humans known only as, the breathers. About: This is a script that’s […]
Will I still choose amateur zombie scripts after today’s review? Read on to find out. NEW Amateur Friday Submission Process: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, a PDF of the first ten pages of your script, your title, genre, logline, and finally, why I should read […]