
Have we just found the next Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind? Be prepared for a screenplay experience that’ll warp your mind 16 ways to Sunday. Genre: Comedy Premise: After an unplanned night of drinking, a man wakes up to realize he’s stuck in a movie. About: This script finished on the 2009 Black List. […]
Reese Witherspoon and I invite you to a weekend spa retreat to read her newest project, Rule #1. Genre: ComedyPremise: When a woman’s husband leaves her because of her severe OCD, she writes down a list of all her tics and tries to conquer them one at a time. About: I’m not sure if Reese […]
A long time Scriptshadow reader makes sure we never look at moving companies the same way again… NEW Amateur Friday Submission Process: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, a PDF of the first ten pages of your script, your title, genre, logline, and finally, why I […]
I met Mike Le about four years ago either on Done Deal or the Craig’s List personals section. I can’t remember which. He actually watched me come up with the idea for Scriptshadow. We eventually met when he was the vice president over at HQ Pictures. I soon learned that Mike likes to keep his […]
I have three words for when it comes to this whacked-out screenplay: The Squirrel Scene. Nothing more needs to be said. Genre: Comedy/SatirePremise: (from Black List) A satirically dark comedy about a homicidal foreclosure victim kidnapping a real estate agent and planning to kill her in the housing development where she finagled money from customers […]