
You guys asked for it.  After Saturday’s “Which Script Should I Read” post and yesterday’s script links to the Top 3 scripts post, I’ve decided to post three more runner-up links. You don’t have to read the whole scripts of course.  Just check out the first 10 pages and let me know if any of […]
Peter Pan mixed with Lord Of The Flies mixed with…zombies? Sounds like an interesting little screenplay. Let’s find out if guest reviewer Amy Suto liked it… Since I’m tired of giving you guys vague updates about my book, the site re-launch, and Twit-Pitch, I’m putting together an official schedule (with real dates!) that I plan […]
The more I thought about it, with the way the logline contest went a few months ago, the more I wanted to minimize the chance of reading a bad script.  So I’m putting up links to the Top 3 scripts from Saturday’s “Which Should I Read” post and letting you guys take a look at […]
Wait a minute. A 2011 Black List comedy that’s actually funny? Can it be? Or has Carson once again misjudged the definition of “comedy?” Genre: ComedyPremise: Taking place over one day, a group of couples deal with a myriad of issues while attending a wedding together.About: This was originally sold as a pitch to CBS […]
Guess what everyone – YOU get to choose the Amateur Friday script I review on March 30th. Take a look at the ten loglines below and vote in the comments section. I’ll be watching IP addresses and if anyone tries to secretly vote for their own logline multiple times, they’ll be disqualified. So no cheating! […]