Genre: Drama Premise: Two old friends who’ve chosen very different paths in life reunite for a cross-country trip, only to get marooned out in the middle of the desert. About: Kyle Killen is the writer of the top ranking Black List script of 2009, The Beaver. Killen, who had been at this screenwriting thing for […]
Genre: Drama/ThrillerPremise: A missionary moves his family into a third world town, only to find that the locals in charge don’t want him there. About: This is our first ever REVISITING of an Amateur Friday script! — Every Friday, I review a script from the readers of the site. If you’re interested in submitting your […]
So here’s the scenario. You’ve just been told you’re going to die from cancer in six months. As you sit down and consider what’s most important (family, friends, etc.) you realize that the one thing you want to do before you leave this earth is sell a screenplay. That’s been your dream. If you can […]
Genre: ActionPremise: An undercover DEA agent and an undercover Naval officer, both unaware of each other’s status, decide to rob a bank, each for their own reasons, only to simultaneously double-cross each other afterwards, which ironically results in them having to work together to clean up the mess they created . About: The writer, Blake […]
Genre: Comedy?Premise: Based on a true story, The Trade documents a pair of pitchers on the 1970 Yankees who traded their wives. About: This script landed high on the 2009 Black List, was purchased by Warner Brothers, and quickly got mega baseball fans Matt Damon and Ben Affleck interested. It’s written by Dave Mandel, who’s […]