
Genre: Contained Thriller/Found FootagePremise: A group of detectives try to piece together a mass murder on a Vegas shuttle van via the video taken from the passengers.About: Evidence sold as a naked spec (no attachments – hardest type of spec to sell) earlier this year for low six figures I believe. John Swetnam, the writer, […]
Genre: Thriller/HorrorPremise: At their ten-year reunion, a formerly bullied outcast decides to enact revenge on the cool kids who made his life miserable.About: Every Friday, I review a script from the readers of the site. If you’re interested in submitting your script for an Amateur Review, send it in PDF form, along with your title, […]
“You think you can write dialogue like me?  YOU think you can write dialogue like ME??”  I hope you don’t think you’re going to learn a lot about dialogue in this article. Dialogue is a constant battle for me. It’s something I don’t totally understand. The reason for this is that dialogue is the one […]
Genre: ThrillerPremise: Based on a true story, a local detective reluctantly accepts the case of the most notorious serial killer in Alaska’s history. About: Scott Walker is from New Zealand. He made a big splash a few weeks back when he signed with WME as a writer/director/producer. Agencies seemed hot on him but I’m not […]
Genre: Drama/Sports/ThrillerPremise: Based on a true story, Olympic Gold Medal wrestler Mark Schultz accepts an invitation to train at the facilities of a reclusive wrestling fanatic. What starts out as a dream opportunity slowly turns into a nightmare. About: Steve Carell is starring in this one with Channing Tatum. Bennet Miller, the director of Moneyball […]