Genre: Period Piece/AdventurePremise: (from writers) 48 BC. When fanatics burn the Library of Alexandria to cover the theft of advanced technology, a naive engineering apprentice and a handful of displaced scholars must defeat the growing cult using scientific trickery of their own. About: Every Friday, I review a script from the readers of the site. […]
So last week we talked about adding conflict to scenes. Today, we’re gonna take that one step further and talk about specific ways to improve your scenes. Now the majority of what makes a scene great comes from what you’ve done beforehand. The structure of your story. The development of your characters. How you craft […]
Genre: ComedyPremise: In 1986, the year Halloween lost its innocence, three junior high best friends try to salvage their last shot at the holiday. About: There’s not a whole lot of info on this screenplay but it looks to have been commissioned from National Lampoon’s for Robbie Chavitz to write. Robbie has been working for […]
I guess we should’ve known Nicholl would never allow scripts as weird as Fig Hunt and A Many Splintered Thing to win. That’s not their M.O. They tend to highlight those types of scripts in their finalists category, then award the trophy to more serious fare. I haven’t read any of the winning scripts yet, […]
Edit: I was able to get my hands on the newest version of Fig Hunter and give it a read. As a result, I’ve decided to add my thoughts on the new draft, which will appear after the original review. So make sure to read til the end! Genre: Comedy/MockumentaryPremise: A couple of “fig hunters” […]