Genre: Superhero/Comedy Premise: (from Black List) When a washed-up superhero gets betrayed by a Mexican government, he must lead a populist social movement to fight the Narcos, topple the government, and free the people. About: We’ve got another Black List script here, this one near the top with 15 votes. Miguel Flatow is a Mexican […]
One of my favorite new writers, “The Bear’s” Christopher Storer, chooses his big “level-up” project, aka, his first feature film. Genre: Crime Premise: A retired mob enforcer living the breezy surf life in San Diego is targeted by an unknown entity who wants him dead at all costs. But if you come for the Machine, […]
Barbie has one of the worst messages I’ve ever seen in a mainstream film. And no, it’s not the message you think. Genre: Fantasy/Toy Premise: When Barbie learns that the person playing with her in the real world is having depressed thoughts, she travels there to try and sort it out, causing complete mayhem for […]
What: August Logline ShowdownDeadline: Thursday, August 24th, 10pm Western TimeSend: Title, Genre, LoglineWhere: We have a fresh Logline Showdown at the end of the month! For those who haven’t participated in a showdown yet, you send me your title, genre, and logline for a feature screenplay. I choose my favorite five loglines, which then […]
The other day, I was engaged in an e-mail exchange with a professional screenwriter with high-level studio credits so I was curious what they thought about Oppenheimer. I’ve been curious what a lot of people think about Oppenheimer not just because it’s the movie du jour. But because I’m less than impressed with Christopher Nolan’s […]