
Note: Apparently Blogger’s gone nuts.  They’re supposed to have things figured out soon (or so they say) but until then, yesterday’s Aliens post will remain an enigma.  Which begs the question: Did it really happen?  Did it?   Genre: ThrillerPremise: Days away from his execution, the most notorious man in America awakens with amnesia and […]
Genre: Drama/ComedyPremise: After a cruel heartless efficiency expert gets fired, he meets a strange 16 year old girl who unexpectedly helps him turn his life around. About: The writer of today’s script is the same writer of the recently sold (and in production) Seeking A Friend At The End Of The World, which I loved. […]
So the other day I was thinking about my Top 25, and I realized something.  Many of the scripts in my Top 10 were scripts I’d read a thousand scripts ago.  I was holding onto them mainly because they were already in the Top 10, and I was too much of a wimp to place […]
Genre: ActionPremise: A young man sets out to uncover the truth about his life after finding his baby photo on a missing persons website.About: Abduction represents that golden screenwriting ticket. A true spec sale that, right after selling, goes racing into production. We should all be so lucky. Former (and current?) rocker Shawn Christensen wrote […]
A quick note to drop by this Wednesday as I’ll be posting a review for the first script to break into my Top 10 in over a year! Genre: Crime/Caper/ComedyPremise: An art curator enlists the services of a Texas chicken farmer to con a wealthy collector into buying a phony Monet painting.About: They’ve been trying […]