Genre: Crime/Noir Premise: A private detective investigating an adultery case stumbles onto a larger conspiracy involving the Los Angeles water system. About: Chinatown has been called one of the greatest films ever made. It was nominated for eleven Academy Awards in 1974, winning for Best Original Screenplay. In 1971, producer and all around kook Robert […]
Genre: Thriller/Mystery Premise: An investigator tries to solve a murder case on a ship that involves a handyman, a young stock broker and the stock broker’s girlfriend. About: Nautica was originally written and sold back in 2001 and was going to be directed by Tarsem Singh. As so often is the case in Hollywood though, […]
Genre: Dark ComedyPremise: Three siblings deal with the fallout of their father’s successful children’s book series that based its lead character on their baby brother.About: Bobby Blue Sky was purchased last year and will star Paul Rudd, Topher Grace and Kristin Wiig. The writer, Emily Kapnek, has been working in TV as both a writer […]
Genre: Period/GangsterPremise: A cop rolls into the corrupt 1920s town of Personville, only to find that the man who hired him has been murdered. He must now navigate the town’s seedy underside to solve the murder and clean the town up.About: Dashiell Hammett’s book Red Harvest was the material that inspired Sergio Leone’s For a […]
Genre: ActionPremise: Eight hostages are held inside a city bank. Their only hope is a man who has called the wrong number and is told that if he hangs up the phone, the hostages will die. Phone Booth meets Die Hard.About: Every Friday, I review a script from the readers of the site. If you’re […]