
Genre: Biopic Premise: (from Black List) After being forced into retirement by the Oakland Raiders, fiery former NFL head coach John Madden teams up with a mild-mannered Harvard programmer to rewrite his fading legacy by building the world’s first football video game. Based on a true story. About: This script finished in the top 10 […]
The big million-dollar sale from the flight attendant turned writer who’s become one of the hottest new names in Hollywood. Genre: Thriller Premise: Passengers must hope for a 1 in a million rescue after their plane crashes in the ocean and sinks, settling on an underwater cliff. About: A couple of years ago I reviewed […]
Genre: Action Premise: Ethan Hunt must battle his biggest threat yet – AI! About: July was the summer’s biggest movie month. Indiana Jones, Barbie, Oppenheimer, Mission Impossible. Who was going to make it out alive? Who would fall? Cruise and McQuarrie’s latest, a labor of love that, at one point, had Cruise famously terrorizing his […]
Pilot Showdown and David Aaron Cohen’s New Navigating Hollywood Master Class! Since this is probably our only TV Pilot Logline Showdown of the year, I want to find a great TV show. This is where the industry’s bread and butter is – television. So if we can pitch a great show to these streamers, who’s […]
And the power of containing your set pieces! This weekend, I’ll be seeing the latest Mission Impossible movie. These movies have become known for their set-pieces, specifically the ones that Tom Cruise does himself. Tom Cruise scales a real skyscraper. Tom cruise HALO jumps out of a plane. Tom Cruise takes off on the side […]