Genre: DramaPremise: (actual logline from author) At the height of the 1970’s Bigfoot craze, an obsessed, lonely 9 year old boy living in the heart of Sasquatch country becomes entangled in a hoax which threatens to shatter his family, new friendships, and his innocent belief in the mythic creature.About: Well if there’s any good to […]
Genre: Crime/ThrillerPremise: A small town roller skating rink manager prepares for marriage when a secret from his past comes back to haunt him. About: This script was purchased by Cruise-Wagner about 15 years ago, presumably for Cruise to star in. The writer, Philip Jayson Lasker, has a roundabout connection – believe it or not – […]
Genre: Period/Drama/ComedyPremise: Orson Welles produced a musical titled “The Cradle Will Rock” back in 1937 that was shut down on opening day, forcing the production to make a last second change that some would later say inspired the best stage experience they’d ever had. About: Cradle Will Rock was meant to be Orson Welles’ last […]
BIG MONEY WEEK (SCRIPT 5) Genre: Romantic Comedy Premise: A female CEO hires a sleazy private investigator to help her find the perfect husband. About: This script sold for 2 million dollars to 20th Century Fox back in 1999. Gerald DiPego has written half a dozen novels and has a number of produced credits, such […]
Ugh, yesterday was not a fun day at all. As a lot of you already know, the mediafire library that PJ had posted has been taken down. The reason it’s been taken down is because Fox has sued PJ for 15 million dollars. It’s just a sad day, not because scripts will no longer be […]