
Genre: DramedyPremise: A young man moves to Los Angeles and spends the next 30 years trying to break into acting.About: Edward Ford is considered by many to be one of the best unproduced screenplays in Hollywood. Lem Dobbs, the writer, wrote the script based on a real person. It is loved so much that even […]
Genre: Indie/Drama/Love StoryPremise: After a young woman in a small town finds out she’s going to die, she meets a man who will go to the ends of the earth to preserve her memory. About: This was one of the ten finalists in the 2010 Nicholl Fellowship screenwriting contest. The Nicholl is the biggest screenwriting […]
Man, I don’t think I’ve read a single one of these.  If you have any of them, please send them my way!  Oh yeah, The Brit List is a list of the best unproduced screenplays from British writers. (edit: Okay, got’em.  Now, if you’ve read any of these and have an opinion, please drop a […]
 Anytime we can work Ryan Seacrest into a Scriptshadow review is a great day, right?  I’m being facetious btw.  But hey, it just proves that any little nook you can carve yourself in this business is a potential stepping stone to bigger things.  Welcome back from what I hope was a wonderful weekend.  Got a […]
Genre: Period/Western/Civil WarPremise: A woman loses her children to a tribe of Indians and lives every day only to see them again.About: Back in 2003, Fox offered Stowe $3 million, and later $5 million, for her script, with Ridley Scott poised to direct and Russell Crowe to star. She turned down what was among the […]