Man, to prove how ignorant I am about comic books, I have no idea what the difference is between Green Arrow, Green Hornet, and Green Lantern. There was a time when I believed they were all the same character. And I’m still not sure that they aren’t. All I can tell you is that, of […]
The other day I posted my “favorite books” list and in the comments section a few people mentioned Tales From The Script as a must read. Hey, if you were laying down a challenge, why didn’t you just say so? Actually, I’ve heard about “Tales” from a handful of writers over the years and your […]
This is Nolan Theme Week, where we’ll be breaking down Christopher Nolan’s five most popular writing-directing efforts in hopes of learning something about how he crafts a story. Monday Roger reviewed The Dark Knight. Tuesday I took on Batman Begins. Wednesday was The Prestige, which surprisingly has garnered some of the more heated talkback, Thursday […]
This is Nolan Theme Week, where we’ll be breaking down Christopher Nolan’s five most popular writing-directing efforts in hopes of learning something about how he crafts a story. Monday Roger reviewed The Dark Knight. Tuesday I took on Batman Begins. Yesterday was The Prestige, which surprisingly has garnered some of the more heated talkback, and […]
This is Nolan Theme Week, where we’ll be breaking down Christopher Nolan’s five most popular writing-directing efforts in hopes of learning something about how he crafts a story. Monday Roger reviewed The Dark Knight. Yesterday I took on Batman Begins. Today, I review The Prestige. Genre: Period/Drama/SupernaturalPremise: Two obsessed magicians engage in a dangerous rivalry. […]