Genre: Action/ThrillerPremise: A small group of correctional officers and inmates must band together to fend off a mysterious attack when their prison bus is sabotaged on a remote stretch of highway.About: This script originally went into select production companies late last year – which landed the writer, Terrance Mulloy, meetings all over town. This new […]
Genre: Horror/SupernaturalPremise: A strange event results in nearly everyone in the world vanishing into thin air. A small group of survivors find each other and try to figure out what happened.About: Brad Anderson, the director of “Vanishing,” has always been an interesting filmmaker to me, but truth be told his films have left me wanting […]
Doing something a little different today. Roger is reviewing a script from a professional reader. Does he have what it takes to write a great script? While reading a ton of scripts helps your own screenwriting, I’ll be the first to admit it doesn’t ensure success. Each script has its own unique challenges and there’s […]
Genre: Comedy Premise: A flight attendant who refuses to grow up gets stuck escorting an uptight 14 year old boy cross-country. About: It’s always interesting to get some background on a writer after I read a script. Whenever I see this much skill, I figure the guy has to have been at it for awhile. […]
I’m liking it. :)