
Sad news. We’ll be taking Monday off. You see, here in the states, we have something called “Labor Day,” which celebrates Americans working by, um, not making them work. I wholeheartedly endorse this decision and will show my support by not working either. So go catch up on some reading and we’ll be back Tuesday […]
Genre: Crime/Action/ThrillerPremise: A stunt driver moonlighting as a getaway driver gets caught up in a job that’s over his head.About: Drive is adapted from James Sallis’ novel of the same name and will star Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, and…Albert Brooks? Relatively unknown Nicolas Winding Refn will direct. Bryan Cranston, whose stock is building hourly with […]
Genre: Space thrillerPremise: A female astronaut must find a way to survive in space when her crew and space shuttle are destroyed.About: Alfonso Cuaron wowed us with Children of Men, which many consider to be their favorite sci-fi movie of the decade. Inspired by the 3-D theatrics of James Cameron (both behind the camera and […]
Genre: HorrorPremise: Three priests fly to Poland to investigate a girl who’s supposedly possessed by the devil.About: I reviewed one of Chris Borrelli’s scripts, Wake, a month ago. This one, “The Vatican Tapes,” landed on last year’s Black List. Picked up by Lionsgate, the film will be directed by James Marsh, who, as many know, […]
Genre: ComedyPremise: A mild-mannered IT guy receives an ‘owners manual’ that tells him how to fix his life. About: Made last year’s Black List with 5 votes. Very quietly the heavy-duty comedy producing team of Will Ferrell, Chris Henchy, and Adam McKay are attached. Might this be a future Will Ferrell vehicle?Writer: Greg FerkelDetails: 108 […]