
This is a book review. Not a script review. For those who know nothing about this book, I recommend you read it before reading any review. There are lots of surprises in the story, some of which I’ll be spoiling here. You’ve been warned. Genre: Mystery/CrimePremise: A disgraced journalist is hired by the head of […]
Genre: Love Story/Dark ComedyPremise: A married woman falls for another man while on a business trip, only to learn later that he lives right across the street from her.About: Actor/Director/Producer/Writer Sarah Polley made waves a couple of years ago with her directing debut, Away From Her. This is her follow-up effort, which stars Seth Rogen […]
Sunday Book Review is BACK! Watch Scriptshadow on Sundays for book reviews by contributor Michael Stark. We try to find books that haven’t been purchased or developed yet that producers might find interesting. Here’s Stark with Berlin Noir. “Yes, I tried to make Berlin a character in the same way that Los Angeles is a […]
Genre: Dark ComedyPremise: A frustrated Young Adult writer obsessed with her High School days goes back to her hometown to try to win over her married high school sweetheart.About: Young Adult is Diablo Cody’s latest script. Just this week Jason Reitman, Cody’s director for Juno, announced that he’d be directing the screenplay for his next […]
Genre: ThrillerPremise: A contagious and deadly disease confounds an international team of doctors who try desperately to contain it before it becomes a worldwide plague.About: Contagion sold earlier this year with Steven Soderbergh attached to direct. Scott Z. Burns, the writer, was a producer on The Inconvenient Truth and is best known for writing The […]