
Genre: Superhero Premise: Barry Allen, The Flash, goes back in time to save his murdered mother but inadvertently unleashes one of the most ruthless villains ever. About: The Flash is the fifth-to-last entry from the former DC slate of films (we still have Blue Beetle, Aquaman 2, Batman 2, and Joker 2). When David Zavslav […]
James Gunn helped me remember one of the most powerful components of a great story I was watching James Gunn do an interview with actor and podcaster, Michael Rosenbaum. For reference, they’re good friends. And, also, Rosenbaum played Lex Luthor in the show, Smallville. One of the topics that came up in the podcast was […]
(TOP 25!!!) – One of the cooler crossovers I’ve read in a long time. A History of Violence meets An American Werewolf in London meets Let The Right One In. Genre: Horror Premise: A werewolf living on a remote farm with her older sister takes in a thief on the run just 72 hours before […]
Genre: Heist/Thriller/Period/Romance Premise: Set in 1962, a male and female jewel thief must put a team together to take down a sinister German business mogul who made his untold riches during World War 2. About: This newest version of Oceans is being spearheaded by Margot Robbie, who is said to be the creative leader of […]
For one day only, we’ll be talking about the shocking interview UFO whistleblower David Grusch just did! First of all, I promise I’ll tie this all into screenwriting by the end of the post. But before we get to that, I want to talk about these latest UFO allegations that have hit the news in […]