Today’s short story receives such a bad rating, I had to revert back to Scriptshadow 1.0 to give it. Genre: Apocalyptic/Drama Premise: A college professor is annoyed by the death of a mid-level banker during the end of the world. About: This is another Stephen King short story sale. It comes from the collection, “If […]
The daughter of a big-time screenwriter tries her hand at the family business. Genre: Mystery/DramaPremise: A documentary crew in contention at the Emmys for their film about wild Alaskan wolves is hiding several big secrets about their troubled 3 month shoot.About: We’ve got some screenwriting royalty here. Today’s writer, Rose Gilroy, is the daughter of […]
If I had to guess why Fast and Furious didn’t do boffo numbers this weekend (it came in at 67 million – Fast 7, six years ago, made 150 million its first weekend), I’d venture it’s for the same reason I chose not to see the film myself – It doesn’t look different enough from […]
Every second-to-last Friday of the month, I will post the best five loglines submitted to me. You, the readers of the site, will vote for your favorite in the comments section. I then review the script of the logline that received the most votes the following Friday. If you didn’t enter this month’s showdown, don’t […]
The May Logline Showdown deadline is tonight (Thursday)! If you want to compete, send me your title, genre, and logline to The five best loglines compete over the weekend. Winning logline gets a script review next week! So the script has to be written. You have until 10pm Pacific time to get your loglines […]